Technology has evolved to the point that anyone can 'weaponize' photos, videos, and speech right in the palm of their hand. A quick upload to their favorite social media site, and you have a possible scandal brewing.

Our counter surveillance teams deploy into the crowds, watching for minute body language that rises above the baseline for the area; extreme interest, agressive behavior to security barriers, nervousness, props ready to deploy, camera stagged. Each of these alone do not mean the individual means our client harm. However, together they could mean that an issue is about to occur. Our job is to identify the situation before they act and remove our client from the equation - or make sure there is no chance for harm.

Ideally assistance would begin with Situational Awareness and Evasive Drivers training for the client- built around the initial Threat/ Risk Assessment. There's multiple layers of considerations to this situation, but we're glad to talk through foundational issues before you decide to engage.

A good counter surveillance team is yet another layer of the protective 'bubble' placed around our clients. The close protection detail being the inner-most layer, with the counter surveillance team enveloping them. The outer-most layer can include the advance team, transport advisors, and technical support - some of which may not even be on-site, but still play an instrumental role in securing our clients.

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Do you have questions about any of our services as they apply to your specific need or situation? Schedule a call (voice or video) or an in-person meeting to discuss how we can assist.

Our Location

MercurySword Security
123 Miami Blvd, Suite 100
Miami, FL 33215

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